The DNApod is an integrated DNA polymorphism database and analytical workflow.
The basic analysis of DDBJ pipeline is no longer available. Instead of the basic analysis, the DNApod provides the scripts for the same processes as DDBJ pipeline from here.
DNA polymorphism annotation database (DNApod) is an integrated database that stores genome-wide DNA polymorphism datasets acquired under uniform analytical conditions, and this includes uniformity in the quality of the raw data, the reference genome version, and evaluation algorithms. DNApod genotypic data are re-analyzed whole-genome shotgun datasets extracted from sequence read archives, and DNApod distributes genome-wide DNA polymorphism datasets and known-gene annotations for each DNA polymorphism. This new database was developed for storing genome-wide DNA polymorphism datasets of plants, with crops being the first priority. As of August 2016, DNApod contains data derived from 679, 404, and 66 strains of rice, maize, and sorghum, respectively. The analytical methods are available as a DNApod workflow in an NGS annotation system of the DNA Data Bank of Japan and a virtual machine image. Furthermore, DNApod provides tables of links of identifiers between DNApod genotypic data and public phenotypic data. To advance the sharing of organism knowledge, DNApod offers basic and ubiquitous functions for multiple alignment and phylogenetic tree construction by using orthologous gene information.